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Keeping you up to date

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Keeping you up to date

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Keeping you up to date

Momentum Metropolitan maintains Level 1 B-BBEE status

30 July 2021 | 5 - 8 min read


For us, B-BBEE isn't just about ticking boxes. We are sincere in our reforms, and transformation continues to occur at all levels of our organisation, placing emphasis on access for all, growth for all, a home for all our employees, and a future for all our stakeholders.

Our future hinges on collaboration and providing equity. This is why, in 2021, we launched iSabelo – an initiative that enables employees to become shareholders and co-owners of the business.

Our commitment to transformation has seen an uptick in the employment and promotion of black employees. In the interest of parity, more black-owned businesses now form part of our supply chain.

We are of the firm belief that empowering fellow South Africans is the key to creating social change. But we don’t just talk about it – we launched a programme that helps our youth be financially responsible and literate.

Through social intervention and internal reform we’re increasing youth employment, bolstering financial education and diversifying our workforce.

Transformation and contributing to social change are not just buzz words for us. They are our driving force and our core purpose: Enabling businesses and people from all walks of life to achieve their financial goals and life aspirations.

We won’t stop here. There’s a lot more work to do – and we’re ready and raring to get it done!

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