Sustainability approach

Sustainability approach

Sustainability approach

Sustainability approach

Sustainability approach

Our commitment to sustainability aims to future-proof communities and businesses by addressing social and environmental risks while enabling economic progress.

Our framework

 Infographic depicting the 3 pillars of Momentum Group’s sustainability framework.

Things to be proud of

  • GHG emissions

  • Youth employment

  • Corporate governance

GHG emissions

Illustration of the world and thermometer.

-26% reduction in overall GHG emission against the 2014 baseline.

Youth employment

Illustration of a scholar wearing her graduation cap.

R41 million invested in youth employment and financial education.

Corporate governance

Illustration of 2 people standing on opposite sides of a globe of the world.

97th percentile among global peers and 90th percentile among local market peers for corporate governance by MSCI.

Key 2023 highlights

The group wide climate risk assessment highlighted the likelihood that climate change could reduce or eliminate the appetite of the insurance industry to provide cover for specific activities, assets or customers.

  • Momentum Group’s total emisions (including Scopes 1, 2 and 3) decreased compared to previous years.
  • Water, paper and electricity emisions decreased due to the various efficiency initiatives implemented in recent years.

An infographic depicting Momentum Group’s greener operations, greener products and services, empowerment financing KPIs and total group emisions.

The FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Index

Momentum Group is proudly listed on the prestigious FTSE/JSE Responsible Investment Index, a testament to our exceptional achievements in ESG (environmental, social, and governance) practices. Additionally, the global index company FTSE Group has independently assessed us against the rigorous FTSE4Good criteria, confirming that we have met their stringent standards. As a result, we are honoured to be included in the esteemed FTSE4Good Index Series. This equity index series highlights companies that adhere to globally recognised corporate responsibility standards. Being part of the FTSE4Good Index Series signifies that we meet these high ESG criteria and are strategically positioned to leverage the advantages of responsible business practices.

Sustainability governance

The group finance director proudly oversees the sustainability department, which is dedicated to addressing climate-related issues. Ultimate accountability lies with the board and its various committees, including the executive committees. The group executive committee, responsible for managing sustainability initiatives, diligently reviews these efforts and brings pertinent issues to the attention of the following board committees: audit, fair practices, risk and compliance, social ethics, and transformation. 

Read more in our Sustainability Policy. Our Governance Framework and Sustainability Framework is available on request.

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