Occupational health & safety

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Occupational health & safety

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Occupational health & safety

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Occupational health & safety

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Occupational health & safety

As a responsible employer, Momentum Group Limited is committed to compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 and its Regulations, as well as the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act 130 of 1993. Health and safety is governed by the group’s health and safety policy, in which emergency procedures, employee rights and responsibilities, as well as all OHS-related roles are clearly defined.

Employees volunteer for the OHS positions within the company and are appointed and trained to perform key functions. Permanent employees are trained in firefighting level 1, health and safety representative & incident and accident investigation, emergency evacuation procedures and first aid level 1.

Read more about our Occupational Health and Safety.

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